Friday 4 November 2011


Argh life is rough.  It is arduous.  Problematic.  Completely vexing...

Do you ever feel like all your worries are building up and up, weighing down on your mind and soul, and everything just seems way too difficult?  There are so many complicated matters popping up in my life right now.  I can't take it anymore! I can picture it as each atom of stress solidifying inside my body.. Into granite or quartz, a hard leaden weight.  It starts somewhere near my heart- gradually the atomic pellets start to accumulate.  They bind and compress becoming ever harder and denser.  Sections break away and fall heavily into my gut.. and eventually my whole body is a rocky, churning, cumbersome mess, weighted down by my own thoughts and worries.

Wow, what a cheerful post!  Sorry about that, but I was feeling like I might explode and hoped writing would calm my nerves a bit.

I've been so worried about the future, sometimes I'm feeling so lost.  InshAllah everything will work out.  Fingers crossed..

Meanwhile, a couple of weeks ago I realised there is a mosque near where I live.  I worked up my courage over a few days to email them about coming in and speaking to someone/asking questions etc.  They haven't replied and it's been a while, so I think the email address must be out dated.  Anyway last week when I had borrowed the car, I decided to drive by to see where it was and what it looked like.  I parked up a side street with the intention of going in to check it out.  I walked along the footpath.  I took a deep breath.  I approached the driveway entrance.  I directed myself to the gateway.  And, well, that was it.  Stopped in my tracks.  In front of me was a 2-meter high steel-barred gate.  I gazed at it wondering how on earth I was supposed to get through.  To my left, brick wall.  To my right, more brick wall.  I could see a beautiful mosque through the bars and yet I couldn't reach it!!  Gaaahhh exasperation!  I bailed.  How disappointed I am to see those two words written down..  But I do not surrender, there will be another battle with those cold steely bars!  I will return for the second take!


  1. This is so true .I can relate it . Some time it seems I have lost everything.Then Only thing I do is left everything to Allah . He is best to take care of my matters.
    Beautiful blog .

    Follow my blog.

  2. Hi :)
    I was thinking recently about deleting this whole blog but then I read your comment and changed my mind ^^
    Thanks a lot, and I will follow your blog
